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What You Need to Know Before Hedgehog Hibernation Begins
We’re already nearly into September. Before you know it, we’ll be straight into autumn and preparing ourselves for the cold winter months. For our spiky garden visitors, however, preparations for winter will be starting early as they get ready for hibernation. A Latin term meaning “to pass the winter”, it’s a regular yearly occurrence for […]
Top Tips for Travelling with Pets
Pets are part of the family, so nowadays it’s the norm to take them everywhere with us – be that a day out in the city, a weekend away or exploring overseas! As every owner knows, travelling with pets can become a stressful ordeal, so we’ve rounded up our top tips to help make the […]
Loneliness Awareness Week
Life’s better with pets: FACT! There are so many positive effects of owning a furry-friend, including being our best pals, trusted companions and a reason to get out of the house each day. For Loneliness Awareness Week this year, we wanted to hear how pets have changed the lives of real people, combating loneliness and […]
Things to keep in mind for your cat this summer
Summertime is the perfect time for you and your cat to lounge in the sun and relax. However, the summer sun can prove to be harmful to our feline friends if they aren’t properly protected. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips to help keep your kitty safe and happy this summer. Regularly […]
5 Best Dog Walking Spots in the UK
Looking for some inspiration for your next long walk with your four-legged friend? Then we’ve got some great walkies spots for you to try! With the UK host to an endless supply of stunning vistas, eclectic landscapes and wide-open spaces for your dog to enjoy, these 5 destinations will provide your dog with the perfect […]
4 Reasons To Become A Pet Parent
In the UK 53% of women and 35% of men call themselves their pet’s ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ – we’re a nation of animal lovers and enjoy nothing more than showing our furry friends just how much we care. Becoming a pawrent can be a big responsibility, but also provides so many rewards and benefits to […]
Joy in every moment
5 Things for First-Time Owners to Remember
Congratulations! You’ve decided on your first pet, and have brought him/her home to join the family. But are you fully aware of what obstacles you’ll have to face to raise and care for your new pet? Luckily, we’ve got some handy pointers to help first-time pet owners with the initial stages of life with their […]
4 Bank Holiday activities to enjoy with your pet
Whether you want to relax at home or explore the great outdoors this bank holiday, there’s no reason why your dog should miss out! With an abundance of pet-friendly venues, activities and pamper products popping up all over the UK, your furry friend can get involved and have lots of fun. Sunny (hopefully) spring walks […]
5 Ways to Help Your Dog and Cat Get Along
Cats and dogs are usually painted as complete opposites. People believe they have contrasting personalities that don’t coexist. That can make life difficult for people who love both animals and want to keep both as pets. Thankfully, dog and cat cohabitation is not an impossible task. With these handy tips, you can help turn your […]
5 Signs you’re Obsessed with Pets
We all love our pets. This is inarguable. But some people really, really love their pets, to the point that their furry-friends take over their life. But the important question is this: have you become obsessed with your pet? Thankfully, we’ve identified some key characteristics to help you discover if you truly have become a […]